MTV Mittelnkirchen - Floorball Grizzlys Salzwedel 5:4 (2:1)

Mittelnkirchen, who had the better start in the match, struggled to keep up their pace and thereby gave Salzwedel a chance to come back. Just a very late 5:4 goal made the favourites win this close battle.

  MTV Mittelkirchen U19   Floorball Grizzlys Salzwedel U19
84 Fabian Droschinski (TW) 1 Indra Reck (TW)
5 Simon von Kroge 8 Sophie-Maren Weikert
7 Jannick Ropers (C) 9 Max Radtke
11 Steffen Horn 10 Jessica Schulz
16 Florian von Kroge 11 Steffen Thäfner
17 Hauke Bohmbach 12 Fabian Block
22 Arne Kerlin 13 Chris Heymann
    14 Christian Schulze
    15 Christopher Budras (C)
    19 Elmar Walter
    23 Florian Uhde