HuKu Turku - IBK Cartoon Heroes 8:1 (3:0, 1:0, 4:1)

The Turku region HuKu team, who added two Hungarian players to their squad, powered down the Cartoon Heroes in their second match after they had a double-digit victory in their first match.

  HuKu   IBK Cartoon Heroes
1 Mila Virtanen (TW) 1 Veronika Benis (TW)
2 Suri Nuoritalo 5 Aniko Lakatos
3 Camilla Sampo 8 Anna Harmat
6 Susanna Nero 9 Hajulka Hajdu
7 Edina Perje (Guest) 13 Beatrix Kovacs
8 Annina Vainio 14 Agnes Apostol
20 Kati Launiainen (C) 17 Krisztina Szoboszlai
24 Nicole Vertesi (Guest) 20 Renata Acsai (C)
66 Kaisa Suominen 23 Nora Mayer
    26 Krisztina Mayer
    28 Gabriella Meresz