TV Eiche Horn - SG Dümpten / Refrath 8:5 (4:2)

The small Refrath team, who did not have a single Dümpten player in their squad did not manage to score more goals than their routined Bremen opponents, who kept an early lead throughout the whole matchtime.

  Eiche Horn Bremen   SG Dümptener Füchse / TV Refrath
28 Freya Mordhorst (TW) 1 Irina Paulsen (TW)
66 Lina Werpup 7 Carolin Henze
49 Anne Werpup 10 Larissa Kühn
14 Ina Winkler 14 Caroline Thaler
21 Leonie Kijewski 17 Kristina Kreuzwald
24 Lydia Reichel    
16 Leonie Plümpe    
19 Anita Parey    
22 Nina Kamprad    
18 Nina Pfelzer    
6 Mara Lüddens    
8 Frauke Overlander    
11 Julia Langosz